The successful usage of the HLRN system in general is structured into the the following phases.
For questions with respect to the application process, please ask a member in the Expertise Contact List.
As a precondition to apply for an HLRN compute project, you need to apply for a user account the HLRN form server. Holding the account you can perform test simulations to prepare the project proposal. Furthermore an account is needed for the process of the proposal submission. In the course of the account establishment two support members are assigned to you, a local consultant and a scientific consultant.
National and international regulations limit access to the HLRN system for people originating from certain countries. For details, please read the document Supercomputer und Exportkontrolle of the BMBF and the information on the HLRN form server. Further hints about user accounts you find on the page Hinweise und Policies zum Service Portal of the user documentation.
As long as an account is a member of a compute project, the lifetime of this account does not finish. If an account if newly established or if the membership in the last compute project has finished, then the lifetime of the account is three quarters. Following this period access to the data of the account is possible during a fourth quarter. After the end of this fourth quarter the user account is disabled. In reasonable and exceptional cases, the lifetime of a user account can be extended. For that please contact your consultant.
Holding a user account you are able to work on the HLRN system and to expend compute time. Each user account has its own contingent holding 2500 NPL per quarter. NPL is the abbreviation for “Norddeutsche Parallelrechner-Leistungseinheit” and it is defined on the page Accounting of the user documentation. Additionally to this contingent of the account, access to all contingents of compute projects is possible in which the account is a member in. In reasonable and exceptional cases, the contingent of a user account can be extended. For that please contact your consultant.
The proposals of each compute project including a requested compute time of more than 10000 NPL per quarter need to be examined by the Scientific Board of the HLRN. For further information about compute projects, please read the page Hinweise und Policies zum Service Portal in the user documentation.
An HLRN compute project can start at the beginning of a quarter only and has a lifetime of typically one year. Project proposals are to be submitted to the office of the Scientific Board via the HLRN form server. For proposal submission in each legal year there is
the reference dates 28.01., 28.04., 28.07. and 28.10.
Approximately three weeks prior to each reference date the data base of the HLRN form server is opened („Call for Proposals“). This event is published to all users by email and in the HLRN NewsCenter. Documents of the proposal can by uploaded. The project proposals submitted until the reference date are examined by the Scientific Board. At the end of examination phase the decisions are delivered, typically two weeks prior to the project start (beginn of the quarter).
The picture shows the temporal procedure of a compute project with an assumed proposal submission at the reference date 28.01.
A proposal for a compute project is submitted online via the HLRN form server. One precondition for the upload is to hold a user account. One part of the proposal is an abstract build as a separated PDF. This abstract is publicly available on the HLRN Project List during the complete lifetime of the project.
The abstract and the project description (status report and progress report respectively) have to fit the formal requirements, see the page Antrag auf Rechenzeit für ein Großprojekt in the user documentation. In the course of the proposal preparation you have the opportunity to contact your scientific consultant.
The administrator of a running compute project can organize user account for the project using the HLRN form server. In the project you can
The HLRN alliance supports the users in the course of their scientific research activities. To make the task possible in the future, the public visibility is very important for the alliance. That is why the HLRN alliance asks each user to mention the support of compute time in the HLRN system in all
appropriately. We appreciate acknowledgments (for technical or with regard to content). The alliance suggests the usage of the following denotation.
The work was supported by the North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN).
Die Autoren danken dem Norddeutschen Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen (HLRN) für die HPC-Ressourcen, die zur Entstehung der hier dargestellten Forschungsergebnisse beigetragen haben.
Die Autoren danken [Name der Person/en] für die Unterstützung bei der Implementierung unseres Codes auf dem HLRN-System.