Dear HLRN Users, starting immediately you can and have to migrate your data from the old HLRN-III (Cray) home and work directories to the new HLRN-IV filesystems. After the end of the data migration period...Weiterlesen
Action required! Dear users, from August 5, 2019, on HLRN will open outgoing network connections world wide, however limited to destination ports for ssh, http, and https (22, 80, and 443). At the same time...Weiterlesen
Important dates: August 5th, 2019: Begin of the user initiated data migration phase in Berlin October 21st, 2019: Cray XC40/30 is powered off forever Dear HLRN users, we want inform you about the next major...Weiterlesen
The Scientific Board of the HLRN is inviting project proposals applying for computing time on the HLRN system. The next deadline is July 28th, 2019, at 23:59. Projects that need more computing time than 10,000...Weiterlesen
Course Announcements At Universität Hamburg courses will be held in Parallel Programming and Single Prozessor Optimization in March 2019. For more information see: The courses are announced in German. If requested they will...Weiterlesen
The Scientific Board of the HLRN is inviting project proposals applying for computing time on the HLRN system. The next deadline is January 28th, 2019, at 23:59. Projects that need more computing time than 10,000...Weiterlesen